Monday, October 5, 2020

Conference Fast

 Family and friends,

This week was very long, because I was waiting for General Conference so anxiously. I was blown away by the first session on Saturday, by all the teachings on personal progression, being prepared, and that the end is VERY near. I was frankly shocked at times by the directness of their pronouncements. NOW IS THE TIME! We have to prepare!

Elder Linford's mom sent us a huge tray of cinnamon rolls and cookies on Friday for Conference, and we still haven't finished it, even though the Elders upstairs came down to watch the sessions with us (which made five of us) - there was a LOT. I'm not complaining.

On Saturday night, I started a fast I had planned to do to receive inspiration in the Sunday sessions.  
I certainly was blessed on Sunday, and I am pleased with what I got out of it. I received many more revelations and thoughts on things to improve, sometimes unrelated to what I was hearing or even thinking at the time; but I know that God was guiding me.

Now, to repeat what I said on a Facebook post yesterday, I want you all to know that if you think there were no "changes" in this Conference, you are one hundred percent wrong. One hundred percent. Ever since the first session, I had the recurring thought, "What more can He say than to you He hath said?" - a line from the hymn, "How Firm a Foundation". I testify that all the direction we need to survive spiritually in these next few months has been given to us in the past couple of days, and that if we look for the guidance of the prophets in everything we do, we will grow to understand it. The most important "change" from the Conference should be our own beginnings of fuller obedience to the Lord, and giving closer attention to the Spirit's whisperings. Let the Lord lead you from morning to night, day after day, and from one year to another, forever. I'm VERY slowly learning to do that, myself, and it is a process that has brought the most vast joy imaginable. It is a deep pleasure I feel in knowing beyond doubt that God is pleased with me. It's not that I'm perfect, but God accepts my efforts. That is true joy.

God is good.

Elder Hill

Fotos:  yo siendo un nerd (los días que llevo en la misión y los días que me quedan, los dos en el día 1 de octubre, divididos por 3, ¡eran números primos!). (This part says, "Me being a nerd (the days I have been on the mission and the days I have left, both on October 1, divided by 3, were prime numbers!)"
un amiguito, mirando la conferencia.

Also, from Ben's mother:  A sister in Ben's Grand Island ward sent us a paper copy of the Sunday paper from a couple of weeks ago, with the article about the missionaries helping so much with local service groups.  I like the headline on this print version much better.  The online headline read, "They weren't supposed to be here."  

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