Monday, December 7, 2020

Last Letter, Part 2: Bind Up the Testimony (Isaiah 8:16)

Family and friends,

This week was eventful in the second half, and I was able to see the rebirth of our teaching pool. We recently lost the very most promising person we were teaching, who had a baptismal date set for November 28 - he suddenly moved to Lincoln - and everyone else is also extremely busy with the holiday season or has lost interest. But this week we started teaching four new people (a VERY good number, considering many past weeks of zeroes), and one woman from Guatemala that we began teaching the previous week began showing immense interest! That's a grand story in and of itself. Ask me about it, sometime!

Something that is stunning to me is that I have still found that I am unable to speak Spanish. Every time I have a day when my brain trips up and I can't recall the vocabulary, I analyze what is different, and without fail it has been true that, each time, I have been distanced from the Spirit. In other words, I can't speak Spanish very well, but the Spirit has filled up that deficiency. The gift of tongues is real, and I still have to rely on the Lord to be able to communicate with these good people. It is a very direct and obvious miracle. God is good.

Every progressive year, without fail, I have looked back on the year that is ending and I have thought, "Wow. I truly knew nothing, didn't I?" This year has been no different, and as this one draws to a close my eyes have been opened significantly to all of my missed opportunities as a missionary.  I am thoroughly humbled by that perspective, and I recognize now that my spirit has always been so willing, but my flesh has been so weak.

Don't stop reading! I promise I'm not depressed! That revelation was just the dark side of a beautiful coin. The other side is much happier. 

My mission has not been a failure. I did not throw away two years of my life! What I gained is irreplaceable and invaluable: it is the knowledge that I am by far my best convert. Yes, I did truly bless the lives of many others, both directly and indirectly - which is in fulfillment of God's promises to me - but nothing I ever did for them can possibly compare with what God did for me. I will never fall away. I have finally broken down many of my barriers and have begun to learn true, unadulterated faith and humility.

When I think of the gargantuan change I have seen in myself, and of the great blessings I brought to others despite my ignorance and weakness, I feel so small, because I know that none of it happened by my power. All of it was a gift from a living, loving, ever-present Father. I have gotten to the point that every time I think about all the mercy I have been granted I am overcome with gratitude, and all I want to do is praise God in the Perfect Language - because mortal words fail to describe such immense joy.

Another revelation I had recently was fascinating: if I were to have been the most diligent missionary possible, and the hardest working, I feel like I would have lost my soul and become a blind zealot - that is simply what I would have been. That wasn't God's plan for me. His plan is that I be converted because of my experiences here, good and bad, diligent and lazy; and that hereafter I be an exemplary member missionary, though I was not an especially outstanding full-time missionary. My future is bright, and I know God will have mercy in my weakness. I have been set up by Him for great things, and God is showing me the way forward from here. I know He will continue to guide me, as He has done before.

Only the spirit of prophecy can say what I want to say. So, let me give you a prophecy: "If any man will do [God's] will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself" (John 7:17). Just as this is true of the doctrines Christ taught, it is also true of the doctrines I teach, as well as the other full-time missionaries, and our church leaders at all levels. It is so simple, but my soul burns with that admonition: "do [God's] will, [and you] shall know of the doctrine".

I have even been inspired for good by a bad experience: my deteriorated health. In Argentina, I felt like I was in perfect health, with hardly ever a hiccup. In Nebraska, from the beginning I have been dealing with a variety of physical aches and pains. But even so, as I have grown in faith, I have honestly learned to rejoice despite those things, because in the end they are all so minimal. It only gives me one more way to subject my body to my spirit, and I have been blessed enormously by it.

A thought I have come back to often, recently, is that it is essential to have the courage to accept that our way of doing things is never better than the Lord's way (Isa. 55:8-9). And likewise, we must have the courage to abandon our old ways easily, in accordance with revelation, and count all things a loss compared to Christ (Phil. 3:7-15). "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matt. 16:26). What will we give up for Him?

One of my favorite scriptures ever is Abraham 1:2:

"And, finding there was greater happiness and peace and rest for me, I sought for the blessings of the fathers,... desiring also... to be a greater follower of righteousness, and to possess a greater knowledge, and to be a father of many nations, a prince of peace, and desiring to receive instructions, and to keep the commandments of God, I became a rightful heir,... holding the right belonging to the fathers."

This is now my only goal in life: to "[hold] the right belonging to [my] fathers."

I'm nowhere near perfect in this. Or anything. Not even close to being almost kinda near starting to be more-or-less perfect-ish. But these two years have given me a good start. God be praised for all that He has done for me.

I know that this work is going forward, uninhibited by anything at all, and guided only according to God's will. Jacob, my wonderful younger "big" brother, already has the indispensable chance to witness front-row what God is doing for the world right now. He will continue as a great missionary in a world that no longer needs missionaries like me and those who have preceded me. I watch with awe the rapid developments in the world that are opening wide new doors to share the Gospel to those who are searching, and "know not where to find it" (D&C 123:12). I am excited to see what the glorious future brings, and what revolutionary revisions God has yet to reveal.

If you don't yet see the vision of missionary work - which includes member missionaries, ministering, the work of salvation for the dead, and many other facets - I invite you to repent and to pray to God earnestly for an understanding of the work that must be done. Only the Holy Spirit can tell you. I know that He has told me in that way.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I tell you all that God has been good to me. Amen.

Con amor sempiterno,
Élder Hill

Fotos: algunas cosas que hicimos durante la semana al ir paseando, mi último P-day, y mi funeral.

Elder Hill's "funeral".  Note that he is draped in the Argentine and Nebraskan flags

Last Letter, Part 1: Long, Long Way to Go

I have written this "Pt.1" to be full of all the sappy stuff I have thought of saying. "Pt. 2" is my normal letter, and is VERY much better, but this still has some good stuff. Read both at your own pleasure.


Family and friends,

"These were days never to be forgotten" (Oliver Cowdery).

"The time passed away with [me], and also [my life] passed away like as it were unto [me] a dream" (Jac. 7:26).

"And we have entered into their houses and taught them, and we have taught them in their streets; yea, and we have taught them upon their hills; and we have also entered into their temples and their synagogues and taught them; and we have been cast out, and mocked... and stoned... and through the power and wisdom of God we have been delivered again. And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul; and we supposed that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some. Now behold, we can look forth and see the fruits of our labors; and are they few? I say unto you, Nay, they are many; yea, and we can witness of their sincerity, because of their love towards their brethren and also towards us" (Alma 26:29-31).

I have had His name over my heart for two years, but now it is written in my heart, so I can take the tag off without shame. I failed when I came home before, and I easily went back to my old ways, ducking out of the extra mile; but this time I have regrouped my strength, and I will not fall back to the lower roads. God be praised for what He has done for me, and even more so for what He will still do for me.

I testify of what is called the Gospel of Christ, which details the importance and function of faith. True faith, undefiled by fear, will always lead to true repentance, and the striving for perfection that Jesus speaks of in His "Sermon on the Mount" (Matt. 5:48). That striving for perfection through the grace of Christ and the mercy of God will always lead to baptism, as Jesus said that no man can even see Heaven without being baptized by water and by the Spirit (that is, baptism, and receiving the Holy Ghost, both of which can only be done for eternity by those who have authority given them to do so; see John 3:5 and Heb. 5:4). After that, true faith will still drive one to improve his life forever, learning constantly to trust better in his God, learning "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little,  and blessed are those who hearken unto [His] precepts... for unto him that recieveth [He] will give more" (2 Ne. 28:30). I tell you that I know, without doubt, that this is true, because I have truly been born of the Spirit, and I can see now as never before. He has shown me the meaning of faith; and I am eternally grateful to God for His being One who is so constant and unwavering that I CAN have faith in Him! God is so good to me.

I testify of the power of sacrifice. I have sacrificed so many parts of my life that are not in alignment with God's plan for me, and I feel better than I ever have before. The Gospel of Christ is saving me, bit by bit, from a lower life, and I fully trust that He will continue to raise me as I trust in Him. There's a very "long, long way to go, but what are miles across the ocean to the heart that's coming home?" ("Long Long Journey", Enya).

I also testify of the power of charity, without which I am nothing (1 Cor. 13:1-3). Granted, that means I am extremely often nothing, which I'm trying to improve in; but every time I feel God's love flowing through me, it feels like light filling my soul. It is pure. If you want to know one of the deepest doctrines I have learned in these two years, it is this: we are all children of God, and He loves us all infinitely. Yep, that's it, the deepest doctrine I know. If I understood it perfectly, I would never sin again, for love of my Father, who first loved me (1 Jn. 4:19).

And now, after the many testimonies which I have given of Christ, this is my testimony, last of all, that I give of Him: that He lives! I have spiritually seen Him, sitting on the right hand of God, and I know He is the divine Messiah. (See D&C 76:22-23.) He has redeemed me from ignorance, and will redeem me soon enough from all sin and weakness, according to my faith and diligence. God is so good to me.

It's a quiet, misty morning, and the Moon has gone to bed. Now the sparrows stopped their singing, and the sky is clear and red; now the summer's ceased its gleaning, now the corn is past its prime; now adventure's lost its meaning, and I'm homeward bound: it is time. [Lyrics to "Homeward Bound" by Peter Hollens]

I know God has a plan for me, and that I will do great things for His children as I remain close to Him. A greater thing I will now do, than I ever have done; and a greater Rest I will eventually go to, than I ever have known - thanks to Christ. God is so good to me. I hope that when I am released from being a full-time missionary, God tells me, "No, it's okay, keep the change."

"And again, verily thus saith the Lord: Let... all the works which I have appointed unto you, be continued on and not cease; and let your diligence, and your perseverance, and patience, and your works be redoubled, and you shall in nowise lose your reward, saith the Lord of Hosts... For all this there is a reward in heaven" (D&C 127:4).

Thank you all for joining me on this wonderful journey. Ladies and gentlemen, it has been a good start.

Elder Hill the Elder

P.S. Don't cry for me, Argentina. The truth is, I never left you.

Fotos: la primera foto de mi misión, y luego la foto que saqué al llegar al CCM; y las últimas fotos de mi misión.

The last picture of Ben's mission

The first picture Ben took on his mission

Taken when Ben had just arrived in the CCM (Missionary Training Center in Mexico)