Monday, January 27, 2020

To Whom Shall We Go?

Friends and family,

This was a good week. We broke my record again in street contacts made, talking with 244 people! In this area, we have not contacted fewer than 200 in any week. That feels good. We also have taught three people for a couple of weeks - Elba (la madre) and Marco and Mariana (sus hijos); all are adults - and they are very interested! And yesterday they came to Church and loved it! And they have a baptismal date set for the 15th of February! And that will be Elder Luque's last weekend in the mission! You can't get a much better weekend than that for your last: a triple baptism. Qué suerte. No, ¡qué bendición! I can see so clearly that they were prepared by the Lord to receive us. They are certainly diamonds in this rough area.

I have felt very strongly this week the importance of the Book of Mormon, as the keystone of our religion and especially in my own conversion. I have felt so close to that book of late, and I have begun to love it as a living friend, along with the Bible. The story in the end of John 6 describes quite well how I feel. In verses 67-68, Jesus had just finished giving a sermon on the plan of Salvation and His personal role in it as our Savior, and many people were offended, and walked no more with Him. I apply what He says next to myself: "Then said Jesus unto [Elder Hill], Will ye also go away? Then [Elder Hill] answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life." Of all the things I can testify regarding the Book of Mormon, I can say this with the most surety: it contains the words of eternal life. I know that the invitation from President Nelson this past General Conference to read the Book of Mormon is from God, and that we must comply with the words of the ordained mouthpiece of God. By His voice, or by the voice of His servants, it is the same. I know that if we prepare ourselves for this coming Conference as He invited us to, it will indeed be utterly unforgettable. I can say that with the gift of prophecy, as I already have to the members here in Dorrego: I can see it as if it were already past: this Conference will have an outpouring of the Spirit heretofore unseen. But we need to prepare ourselves to be able to receive it. God is moving His work forward, and we need to keep up.

With heaping loads of love, piled up to overflowing,
Elder Hill

  • Esta tarde con Flia. Afaro de San Luis, amigos de Élder Luque de su tiempo en Merlo
  • El asado riquísimo que yo hice [Élder Hill mintió; Hno. Afaro lo hizo]
  • Jugando con una cámara de un celular de la Flia. Afaro
  • El mejor de todos
  • El bigote que nunce tuve (con Andrea y su bigote)
  • Mamá, me afeité, te lo prometo
  • La Flia. Lucero de Cementista que visitamos ayer; también almorzamos con Flia. Espejo; todo fue porque Élder Luque se va en tres semanas y también tenemos la área de Cementista en común


Monday, January 20, 2020


Family and friends,

This week, I left the area twice for intercambios, going to Gutierrez with Elder Ismael on Wednesday and to Santa Ana with Elder Bryner on Friday. Both were pretty good experiences, and I feel like I helped a lot. In Santa Ana especially, I feel like I helped, because the people we taught all seemed to have amazing questions that I was able to answer extremely clearly and coherently. I felt like my knowledge was suddenly unleashed, and it felt so good. Recently, I have really felt the power of my mantle as a missionary, and I know God is with me. I have even noticed that, despite how much I miss the Temple and how long I have not been able to attend it, I have remained very spiritually strong, receiving the same blessings I would have received had I stayed home to go to the Temple. This calling is real, and I know it.

Honestly, not much more happened of particular note that I can think of, aside from having contacted 205 more people in the streets. We have to do a lot of that because nobody accepts us in their homes. But I'm very happy, anyway. I am flourishing.

Elder Hill

P.S. I lied, I remembered something more. While in Gutierrez, I saw a plant outside the apartment of the elders, and Elder Ismael told me it was poisonous. I guess I didn't register what he had said, because later when we passed it I just randomly plucked a piece off a leaf and chewed it. My mouth ended up burning for about an hour, which I completely deserved. It was a pain very similar to the pain of peppers, but it felt more acidic and panged with a prick, almost like hundreds of knives in my mouth. At least I spat it out, so it didn't destroy my entire digestive system. So yeah, that was an adventure, and I'm counting my many blessings. Mom, I promise I won't randomly eat any more plants.

  • Relámpagos
  • La planta maldita
  • Intercambios con Elder Bryner
  • "Tito", una de esas personas que Elder Luque conoce
  • Flia. Rodriguez (el padre es el Obispo) en La Favorita, con Zorro en el televisor
  • Elder Luque y Cerro de la Gloria, esta mañana cuando visitamos La Favorita para visitar algunas personas que Elder Luque conoce de allí

Monday, January 13, 2020


Family and friends,

This week has been pretty good. On my first day as zone leader we contacted 65 people in the street, which is more than my best day with Elder Ericksen. We also ended the week with 220 contacts in total, which broke my record for a week. I'm feeling pretty good. The members here are all as facetious in their joking as I am, so I'm in heaven. I also went to the meeting for all the zone leaders that we had in Godoy Cruz this Friday, and it was a spiritual explosion. It was awesome. Also, I thought I would mention that my zone is the smallest in the mission, and only has four areas which constitute only one district, which is really weird, but it works. So I went from being the district leader of the smallest district in the mission to being the zone leader of the smallest zone in the mission! That's awesome!

I have been feeling strongly recently that preparation for this coming General Conference is very important, and last night I even shared an FHE lesson about it, checking up on the preparation of a family in our ward. We went over the talk of President Nelson again, and I want to remind you all of a couple things he invites us to do. He said we should reread the account of the First Vision in the Pearl of Great Price and seek the spirit of the Restoration. He also said we should read the Book of Mormon along with the "Come, Follow Me" book, to appreciate the first fruits of the Restoration and the precious doctrines of that book; and to ponder both what the Book of Mormon has done for us and what our lives would be like if our knowledge from its contents were suddenly taken away. That last part particularly led to a good discussion in the FHE last night. I also want to mention something I found with respect to following the Prophet immediately, without delay. In the book of Helaman, Samuel the Lamanite prophesied to the Nephites in Zarahemla that if they did not repent their descendants would be completely destroyed in four hundred years. They eventually repented when Christ came, and they worshipped Him in all humility; but then their descendants were destroyed anyway, four hundred years later, as prophesied. Why? They repented! What did I miss? They did not repent immediately, as they were told to. Thus, the curse predicted remained upon them. That is brutal, but it teaches an effective lesson: we must obey the Prophet immediately. I leave this simple invitation with all you who read my letters: read the Book of Mormon and ponder in your hearts the message it contains; follow the counsels of the Prophet to prepare yourselves for this Conference, and you will have an unparalleled and unforgettable experience. I promise it in the name of Jesus Christ.

With so much love,
Elder Hill

  • En la Plaza Independencia
  • Elder Johnson está muerto
  • Elder Johnson se va a la casa
  • Mi vieja zona

Monday, January 6, 2020

(No subject)

Friends and family,

This week was interesting, and I was exhausted the whole time. We had intercambios with Malargüe, working in Balloffet, and that was fun. I was with Elder Leites, a brazilian; Elder Ericksen was with the nuevito, Elder Davey. It was a great time with them, and we got a lot done.

The rest of the week we kept working as normal. Then, on Friday morning, I felt an urgent need to update the area book and the teaching records, especially because Elder Ericksen lost his agenda with all his notes and thus wouldn't be able to do it, so I did that instead of studying that morning. Turns out that that was a revelation, because that night we found out that we would receive transfers the next night (Saturday), because the transfer was cut a full week shorter, at the last minute. I finished up the records the next morning, also in place of my normal study, and everything was ready for me to leave, as I felt I would.

Then we received transfers Saturday night, and it was exactly as expected: me iba. I was to go to Dorrego, Mendoza, as zone leader! And right now, I am writing this letter in the same computer lab that I used while in Cementista! And my new companion is Elder Luque de Brazil, who is on his last transfer and also served in Cementista! This is all so cool! And, also amazing is that Elder Ericksen is staying there in Balloffet as senior companion, district leader, and trainer, all for the first time! I think he'll do a good job of it and grow a lot. I hope the same for myself, especially as I will be taking over as senior zone leader next transfer. I'll just be praying a lot, is all.

I don't have a lot more time, but I wanted to tell you all that I know God holds us up when we are weak. I say I know because I have seen too much evidence, and I know it for certain, now. I cannot deny it. God is real, and He loves us so insanely much - for that matter, it is rather insane, because He loves sinners. But God is a fan of seeming paradoxes that appear contradictory to the minds of men. I know He loves us.

Con muchísimo amor,
Elder Hill, líder de zona


Intercambios con Malargüe
Jugando Risk con Malargüe
¡Ustedes pasaron el Nuevo Año conmigo!
Hielo que cayó del cielo
Flia. Lorca; Hno. Lorca es el líder misional del barrio
Otro franken-pizza
Carolina y Gabriela Rodriguez, muy buenas personas que enseñamos
Beatriz Quiroga
Flia. Ortubia del barrio
Talía Martinez
Sergio Martinez
Sheila Siri, que se bautizó justo antes que llegué
Comimos mucho anoche
Mi último momento con Elder Ericksen
Elder Luque