Monday, October 26, 2020

Weakest Gang I've Ever Seen

Family and friends,

This week we went to do service at the local Bishop's Storehouse, and it was really fun for me! It seemed almost like Walmart stocker work, especially when I was using a pallet jack, so it felt like home to me. I think I'll try to volunteer there often in the future, because I love it so much! Even when I no longer work at Walmart, I can still work in a warehouse and have a similar experience.

One night, we went on a walk around the block with the Elders who live upstairs and those who live across from us, just to get some fresh, chilly air. As we passed by a nearby McDonald's, a man in the drive-thru called out to us yelling, "Weakest gang I've ever seen!" Inwardly, I immediately thought, "Yes, that's the intent, sir!" I thought it was pretty funny.

I have started truly loving my time here in this area - especially after a meeting last Saturday  with the new branch mission leader in which he proved to us that he understood his huge responsibility in his calling and that he is willing to magnify that calling.  We were all very energized for this new transfer.

But then, at 22:00 last night, we were talking with our zone leaders about the key indicators for this week (our "numbers"), and they mentioned something about the transfers of Elders Murdock and Linford... It turns out that they forgot to call us regarding transfers. We were all boquiabierto (literally "open-mouthed", meaning "dumbfounded", "speechless", or "astonished" - or "astonied", if you're an Old Testament prophet; it's a fun Spanish word). Elders Murdock and Linford were both shocked and confused and frustrated, mainly because someone simply forgot to tell them such important information. I still have not been told who I will receive in their stead. Today (P-day), my companions  have been mostly sleeping, not wanting to do anything - I think even the word "despondent" was well applicable, for a while. They were out for long enough for me to finish the last dozen or so chapters of the Book of Jeremiah along with its commentary in the accompanying Institute book, as well as update my journal to report on the past two weeks (which took seven pages to satisfy me) - at least for me, it was quite a productive day, so I'm not complaining! And I'm SO happy that I finally finished updating my journal, because only fifteen days ago I was three months behind, which was daunting; but I pushed through it, and I have now written out the 41 pages necessary to satisfy me regarding those three months, from the 4th of July to today. My wrist is sore, to say the least, but it was completely worth it. I've saved those months up for eternity.

Now, the most important topic: SNOW. WE GOT SNOW LAST NIGHT. We got between one and two inches of it, and I went on a walk this morning in a winter wonderland. Fresh snow is so beautiful!

Also, I hit day number 666 of my mission tomorrow, right when I meet my new companion. I hope that's not a bad omen. I trust not, because God is just so merciful to me, constantly. I have high hopes for the future!

I'll see you all in six short weeks!

Elder Hill

Fotos: NIEVE.

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Monday, October 19, 2020

Sushi and Revelation

Family and friends,

On Tuesday night, I had a wonderful experience, which was a gift from God! I finally got to visit in person with a man and his wife whom we've been teaching, and it was a Spirit-filled time. The woman is a member already, but the man is not. He ended up arguing for some incorrect things that he believes; but sadly, his argument had many holes, so I was able to dissect his argument easily. I was filled with the Spirit, to the point of overflowing, and I saw by Him exactly how to lay it all out before him. He ignored it, though, and he rejected what we said, but I saw the miracle in myself. Many people rejected even the miracle of the raising of Lazarus, but that didn't change the glory and reality of the miracle. I feel the same way about my inspiration, and I'm so grateful for what the Lord continues to do for me. It's been a long time since I've felt like that, and I love it because it makes me feel so powerful, like I could do anything. My mind is always so chaotic and noisy, but whenever the Spirit comes in I can always feel a marked difference, like a smothering, beautiful calmness, or an overflowing channel of light straight from Heaven. I love it.

For dinner on Thursday, we went to a local sushi buffet to celebrate Elder Murdock reaching his one year mark! It was pretty good food, and it was extremely filling. Elder Linford wasn't able to stomach all of his, so I ended up eating all of my 18 sushi bits and probably over a half dozen more from his plate. I was feeling completely full for the rest of the day.

Yesterday morning it got down to 34°F, and I awoke to SNOW ON THE GROUND. I commented on it excitedly in the zone chat, and you can see the funny response in the attached screenshot. You can also find pictures attached of the snow. That was my first time experiencing snow at my actual residence, as opposed to visiting Utah in December to see it, or something. I'm happy we're getting back to this part of the year, at last.

The last thing I want to say is that I have once again received a renewed testimony that what I am doing is right. I know I am on the right path. God has blessed me so much that I will never owe Him one modicum less than everything I have, and even after giving everything to Him I will still be indebted forever. And that's a joyous thing for me. He is good.

Elder Hill

Fotos: LA NIEVE, el sushi, cuando voté, y algunas fotos de otros lugares lindos por acá.

Monday, October 12, 2020


 Friends and family,

This week was exciting, mainly for one incredible reason: um... actually, I'll mention it a bit later.

[Suspense kills the audience.]

Dangit, suspense! We talked about this!

...Anyway, first off, Mom, in your email you asked me if I have had the chance to go back to Winter Quarters since the first day when I arrived in Nebraska. Sadly, I have not. I also don't think the visitors center is open right now, so we would only really be able to visit the grounds of the Temple if we were to go. But honestly, that would be worth the trip. Maybe I'll do it sometime soon!

Now, there was something amazing I forgot to mention last week: on Conference Saturday, Amy Barron was baptized in Grand Island. This is significant. I'll tell you why. I taught her from the start, and she has been golden the whole time! She was baptized within only about five weeks! She had moved to Grand Island without preparation, due to some emergency I don't remember, and she ended up in a homeless shelter because for a while she had no job or connections or friends. One day, soon after moving in, she saw an ad on Facebook from one of our missionary pages, and she requested a visit from the missionaries. We called her up, and she said she had just moved, and was looking for a church to join! Those were her words! She drank up everything we discussed, and was baptized, as I said. And, the most unique thing about it all? She was the first person baptized in this mission who was found through our current virus-spurred Facebook initiative!!! Sure, she was baptized after I left, but I don't care! I'm so happy for her and her progress, and for being so ready that she took the title as the first successful "Facebook baptism" in this mission!

Now, for the moment you've all been waiting for... [hopes there's still someone left alive in the audience to appreciate the grand reveal] ... WE ARE NOW ALLOWED TO MEET IN PEOPLE'S HOMES. President Ence announced it to the mission on Saturday morning.

You have to see this from my perspective. I had been teaching in person from January 2019 through mid-March 2020; and then I was stuck inside, then sent home, and then I simmered down for six weeks in Arizona. Then I came back out, and the current normal was to do lessons on video calls. That was normal. The past seemed so far away that I basically forgot the joy of my previous missionary life of meeting people face to face.

Then, last night, we met with Hno. Taboada in person, in his house. He is a hardworking man who was separated firmly from his family by country boundaries closing, with his family still in Colombia; but he calls them EVERY night to talk with them, read a chapter of the Book of Mormon, and pray. He is a good example of faith and diligence in these hard times. He even has no furniture in his living room, so we sat on the floor together, but all three of us left his apartment buzzing because we were so excited to be able to be with people physically, again! It was like an itch that we had ignored long enough to forget about it... but then it was suddenly scratched. My companion Elder Murdock explained it well when he said that it gave him renewed hope. I finally got to associate closely with someone who wasn't a missionary -- a revolutionary new concept, indeed!

THAT is what characterized my week. The lesson was short, sweet, and energizing. I loved it.

But one more uber-important thing happened, too:  Jacob Hill, Elder Hill the Younger, left his Home MTC early today for the mission field in the New York, New York City mission. His first area is in Staten Island, and he will still be learning Samoan in a trio, with one companion learning Mandarin and the other learning Italian. What a diverse companionship!

"And it came to pass... that they separated themselves and departed one from another, trusting in the Lord that they should meet again at the close of their harvest; for they supposed that great was the work which they had undertaken" (Alma 17:13).

God speed, my friend. I'll see you in two.

With much love,
   and a new energy for the work,
Elder Hill the Elder

Fotos: el bautismo de Amy, la lección con el Hno. Taboada anoche, un buen ejemplo de las calles locas de esta ciudad, yo con mi Blizzard (para festejar el cumpleaños de Rosalie, obvio), Taco Bell después de la reunión de distrito esta semana, yo mirando adentro de un cañón en un cementerio, el Presidente Ence un auto desde atrás (es asombroso, ¿no?), Y yo, resplandeciendo por la luz de la ventana.

Monday, October 5, 2020

Conference Fast

 Family and friends,

This week was very long, because I was waiting for General Conference so anxiously. I was blown away by the first session on Saturday, by all the teachings on personal progression, being prepared, and that the end is VERY near. I was frankly shocked at times by the directness of their pronouncements. NOW IS THE TIME! We have to prepare!

Elder Linford's mom sent us a huge tray of cinnamon rolls and cookies on Friday for Conference, and we still haven't finished it, even though the Elders upstairs came down to watch the sessions with us (which made five of us) - there was a LOT. I'm not complaining.

On Saturday night, I started a fast I had planned to do to receive inspiration in the Sunday sessions.  
I certainly was blessed on Sunday, and I am pleased with what I got out of it. I received many more revelations and thoughts on things to improve, sometimes unrelated to what I was hearing or even thinking at the time; but I know that God was guiding me.

Now, to repeat what I said on a Facebook post yesterday, I want you all to know that if you think there were no "changes" in this Conference, you are one hundred percent wrong. One hundred percent. Ever since the first session, I had the recurring thought, "What more can He say than to you He hath said?" - a line from the hymn, "How Firm a Foundation". I testify that all the direction we need to survive spiritually in these next few months has been given to us in the past couple of days, and that if we look for the guidance of the prophets in everything we do, we will grow to understand it. The most important "change" from the Conference should be our own beginnings of fuller obedience to the Lord, and giving closer attention to the Spirit's whisperings. Let the Lord lead you from morning to night, day after day, and from one year to another, forever. I'm VERY slowly learning to do that, myself, and it is a process that has brought the most vast joy imaginable. It is a deep pleasure I feel in knowing beyond doubt that God is pleased with me. It's not that I'm perfect, but God accepts my efforts. That is true joy.

God is good.

Elder Hill

Fotos:  yo siendo un nerd (los días que llevo en la misión y los días que me quedan, los dos en el día 1 de octubre, divididos por 3, ¡eran números primos!). (This part says, "Me being a nerd (the days I have been on the mission and the days I have left, both on October 1, divided by 3, were prime numbers!)"
un amiguito, mirando la conferencia.

Also, from Ben's mother:  A sister in Ben's Grand Island ward sent us a paper copy of the Sunday paper from a couple of weeks ago, with the article about the missionaries helping so much with local service groups.  I like the headline on this print version much better.  The online headline read, "They weren't supposed to be here."