Monday, May 25, 2020

The Ship Where Lies The Master

Friends and family,

This week felt somewhat long, but suddenly we're here on Monday again, and I don't know how it came so quickly.

I think probably the most notable happening this week for me was yesterday, when I received a hilarious text from a YSA guy. He asked a question to which I responded, "I don't know". Then he immediately accused me of separating myself from my companion verbally by using a singular pronoun where I generally use a plural. I have attached a picture of the conversation; Elder Carter and I thought it was hilarious. I need to get to know this guy better. I like his style.

Other than that, I just want to share a quick thought. Yesterday we helped console a woman who has lived through rough experiences, and I was able to bear powerful testimony about the safety we experience by being in this Church. We have heard the Church called Good Ship Zion before, and in that conversation it finally clicked that that relates perfectly to the hymn "Master, the Tempest is Raging". The chorus of that song brings tears to my eyes every time. "Whether the wrath of the storm-tossed sea, or demons, or men, or whatever it be, no waters can swallow the ship where lies the Master of ocean and earth and skies." Even if the water gets choppy, we have to remember that we are beside the Son of God, and He cannot fail, "for he saith—I am Messiah, the King of Zion, the Rock of Heaven, which is broad as eternity; whoso cometh in at the gate and climbeth up by me shall never fall" (Moses 7:53). I testify that in the near future, as the scriptures show clearly, the world will truly become that raging sea, full of wars and rumors of wars. But I testify with even greater surety that in such general turmoil, the one safe place will be in the Good Ship, for "no waters can swallow [His] ship". Even if it seems He is sleeping, or that He is delaying until the end of the world (D&C 45:26), we can trust in Him. Eventually, He will come, and He will make all things still. I am eternally grateful for that knowledge.

Elder Hill

Pasando tiempo en una arboleda esta mañana

This is an image sent by President Ence of a mission leadership meeting, with the zone leaders and sister training leaders.  Elders Hill and Carter are in the middle picture on the left side.  President Ence wrote, "This isn't the way we prefer to do these meetings, but it works for now."

Monday, May 18, 2020

So ridiculously obvious

Family and friends,

This week absolutely flew by! What I never thought of is this: that when you spend all of your time on your phone, the time always goes by quickly; and that's exactly what we do! We are constantly on our phones, not because we're bad missionaries but because we're good ones and it's necessary.

I am loving the climate here in Nebraska! We've had highs in about the 60s and 70s for this entire past week, and rain for three of those days and overcast skies nearly all the rest. My compañero, Elder Carter, doesn't like the cold or the rain, but I'm on cloud nine! And everything is so beautifully green! This is the first time in my life I've lived in a place that is not a desert, and it's so novel and I love it! Where we live in Lincoln is quite similar in feel to Gilbert, but it has water, so I'm enjoying it!

So far, I have met many people who like to Bible-bash, which is new to me because, frankly, in Argentina the people were generally not educated well enough to bash. Bless their hearts, they're wonderful people, and so kind; but they simply aren't quite so educated. But now, welcome back to the States, Elder Hill! This is Nebraska, where everyone knows their stuff. But it has been a good exercise to me practicing teaching with love instead of contention. As it says in 1 Corinthians 13:

"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing."

Without the Spirit in every word, I will have no charity; and without that keystone it will not matter how much I know, because they won't want to listen. I'm so glad I get to practice legitimately caring for people, because that's a skill I'll be glad to use for the rest of my life.

I've been reading in spare time the Institute student manual for the Pearl of Great Price (you know, light reading), and I learned something legitimately new about Kolob, which made me feel SO STUPID. I somehow had never before connected the scripture "all things denote there is a God", with Kolob, and I was always so caught up in all the "deep doctrine" speculative garbage that I never saw through the haze to the reality and utter simplicity and beauty of the doctrine: Kolob represents Christ, the One closest to the throne of God. He was the First Creation, and governs all others; He gives light to the entire universe, to each creation in its proper time; and, the "greatness" of other stars in the book of Abraham is measured by their proximity to Kolob, just as our personal "greatness" through grace is measured by our proximity to Christ. It's almost frustrating to me that this seems SO RIDICULOUSLY OBVIOUS, and I never thought of it before. That just goes to show that nobody can ever finish learning and know everything. There's always another ridiculously obvious fact you never knew, just around the corner. But to finish up, I'm so grateful for the scriptures and the unending guidance I receive from them: my life would be very different without them, and I cannot see it being any better than it is now. God has blessed me far beyond any level of personal deservingness, and has saved me from a less-desirable fate by grace. My life is full of light because if Him, and I will praise Him forever for it.

Actually, just one more thing. I realized this morning that today marks the end of my 72nd week of the mission, which is cool because 72 is the smallest number that can be constructed in the form (a^b)(b^a) where a and b are two different primes. It's also cool to realize that that means today is day 504, and that God has managed to forgive my weaknesses as a missionary daily, over "seventy times seven" times.

Elder Hill

  • el Capitolio de Nebraska
  • placas de misioneros en ingles, español, y japonés
  • mi compa, Elder Carter

Monday, May 11, 2020

Safe Arrival in the Nebraska, Omaha Mission

What a delight it was for us to greet your missionary, Elder Hill, at the airport this evening. Elder Hill was excited to have finally arrived in the mission field. The MTC is a wonderful place, but there is nothing like being your field of labor.

Preparation Day for the missionaries in the Nebraska Omaha Mission is typically on Mondays, which is when missionaries take care of personal needs, including communicating with his family.  So you should expect to hear from Elder Hill next  Monday.

We just wanted to assure you that Elder Hill has arrived safely to the Nebraska Omaha Mission,  Tomorrow, Tuesday, Elder  Hill  will receive some additional training here at the mission office, then will be off to his new area on Wednesday.

We are grateful to have Elder  Hill  here with us in this mission.  We look forward to growing close as we are yoked together in the service of the Lord.  You should have received an email from Elder Hill  already and if not, it will be arriving soon.  Also, a photo of Elder  Hill with Sister Ence and me will come shortly.


James N. Ence
Nebraska Omaha Mission President


Family and friends,

I have arrived in Omaha safely, and I am feeling great! I am excited for the future, and things are looking up. Remember that God loves you all! He looks on all of us in mercy always, and He will never cease to extend His graceful hand to us, proffering salvation. I know He lives.

Elder Hill