Monday, September 30, 2019

I'm a jerk in recovery

Family and friends,

So, this week was rough, especially at the beginning. We did service with Sergio Martinez (who was baptized this past Saturday!) hauling bricks to build his new house. We loaded them all into a truck then unloaded them at his house. It was such an intense strain that we were all left dead afterwards. But, by the grace of God, I was happy. Dying in intense pain, but happy. Attached is a picture of all the bricks we loaded.

I also wanted to mention that recently I have eaten pigeon and rabbit meat, and both are pretty good! Rabbit is very, very much like chicken. I loved both.

The baptism of Sergio was a great time! He came up out of the water crying, and just hugged Hno. Ponce, who had performed the ordinance. Sergio tells us all the time that he wants to work like us, actively teaching the people everywhere, in the church and outside, to the members and everyone else, too. He is an inspiration, and he will be a great strength in this ward. He said at night after his baptism that he felt content with his life for the first time in a long time, and that he was just extremely happy in many ways. If anyone were to say he would end up falling away, I would not believe them.

Finally, to address the subject line. Yesterday in church we heard a very good talk about judging others and how we should judge righteously. The thought came pounding into my head at the speed of light that I have been judging so harshly everybody I come in contact with. That is something I never had opened my eyes to. That explained instantly all my problems and pains, and I felt extremely stupid for not having realized that before. I don't have a lot more time, so I'll just say that I have been a complete jerk, but I'm recovering from it. But I testify that if we come to Christ, He will show us our weaknesses, and we will be able to be humble. I like being humble. It makes me happy.

Elder Hill

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