Monday, September 9, 2019

¡Traslados! (Transfer to San Rafael)

Family and friends,

This past week was my last in Cementista! Honestly, I have been feeling very strongly for the past two weeks that I was going to leave the area, and now here I am, writing to y'all for the first time in six months from not-Cementista. It feels great. It's not that I didn't like the area - I really, REALLY loved it - but I have felt a deep unrest from a feeling that I desperately need to be somewhere else, for some reason. It's a weird feeling.

But the way the timing worked out was horrible and cramped, although it worked out bien. We awaited the call with traslados information until midnight on Saturday, then only received a message from the zone leaders telling us to go to bed and await traslados in the morning. Great. When we left the pensión to head for the church, all we received was, "Elder Hill se va. Se puede despedir." Wow. That is not enough information for me by any stretch. I ended up sharing DyC 76:22 with the barrio for a simple testimony. Then I sat down, pulled out the phone to see if we had received any more information, and THEN I found out that I would go to Balloffet, San Rafael, to be with Elder Becerra. The best part? Balloffet is in Zona Alvear, my first zone! That means I'll have contact with Pellegrini, my first area!! I am loving it so much. Thus, here I am in San Rafael, writing to y'all.

Continuing with what happened yesterday, after the meetings ended, I took pictures with many people, rushed back to pack my things from 12:30 until 14:15 (which, by a miracle, was sufficient), then ran off to lunch with a member of the bishopric, then immediately afterwards went to Lorena's house to eat asado with her family. Then, after that, we went to San Miguel to make more asado with them before everyone parted the next day. The district leader (in San Miguel) was also transferred, so it was a goodbye asado for us both. It was great.

Honestly, I am also very sad about the state of Cementista. The barrio is very strong, but the people there don't want anything to do with my religion; and even if they receive us into their homes, and even if they want us to keep visiting and teaching them day by day, they never progress. Ever. In just the last couple of weeks, we dropped about ten investigators. We also found a woman who receives us but with whom we will never visit again. She's one of those strange omni-religionists that says she's a Christian but then says she likes the Budidharma more than the Bible, and that Jesus was one of the Great Teachers, not a Singularly Important Person. I explained with Ephesians 4:1-6 that either she is wrong about everything or she doesn't believe in the Bible, and simply invited her to think about that. She agreed to think about it, but it was obvious to me that she really wasn't about to give up any ground to us. Then, obviously, she started explaining to us the three types of Jesus: the Cosmic Jesus (the Creator), the Planetary Jesus (who visited Earth), and the One in our hearts. That doesn't make sense to me in any way at all, but fine. At one point in our visit she got up to get her Bible really quickly and Elder Cardozo and I just stared at each other in confused and shocked silence; he basically remained quiet the entire time because he hadn't a clue what to say. Needless to say, I was very frustrated afterwards. Well, I guess that wasn't "needless" to me, because if it were I wouldn't have said it. Whatever.

So, yeah, this week has been interesting and good, but it's had its hard parts. But overall, I am really, really happy. I am feeling good, and I'm ready to start my labor again in Balloffet, Zona Alvear.

Con mucho amor,
Élder Hill

No tengo tiempo para mandar fotos hoy por razón de traslados; esperen la semana que viene.

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