Monday, July 29, 2019

The Dealer, and my $100


I literally found $100 in the street.

But, sadly, that's worth $2.28 in the US, so it's not really overly exciting.

¿Saben que más encontré en la calle? I also found a dog. Or, a little bit of a dog. It was actually only the head and the lower half of one leg, tossed into the gutter. It was horrendous. But, speaking of dogs, one memeber has a black dog that they call Dealer, because he's black. I love it.

On Saturday, Elder Cardozo and I talked with 83 people in the streets, which easily overtook our previous record of 52. We feel really good about that.

Honestly, there is not a whole heap to write about this week, specifically. But I have one experience I would like to share. Our investigator named Pedro, who is the man who has visions and sees spirits, etc., also accepted the book of Doctrine and Covenants as scripture! It is very difficult to teach him because he ceaseth not to preach God's mercy to us with a mountain of continuous storytelling from his experiences. For that reason, we couldn't finish the lesson on the Plan of Salvation in one go because we already reached two hours and had only taught half the lesson. But this time we tried again to teach the latter half with DyC, now that he accepts it as scripture, and we met with success! He paid closer attention, and we made more progress than normal. We taught him the judgment, resurrection, and the three Glories, focusing on the latter, and he accepted it! He told us that what we had explained legitimately helped him because of a vision he once had. He was carried up to Heaven by Christ and saw the brilliant light and angels, as well as the inferno beneath; but he also saw an even more immense light that he couldn't penetrate, and he said he knew that was the presence of the Father; thus, he now has a personal experience that taught him the three levels of the Heavens, which I have never seen before.

But I'll end with my testimony that this is the truth. I know so many people say that so often, and it actually bothers me a lot sometimes that people can't find other words to say the same thought. But recently I have come to understand better why other words are unnecessary. The beginning of a testimony is a scrap of faith that this is the truth, and as we grow in that faith we learn other things that make that simplistic base un-useful. But after that, with even more time and more growth, we return to the beginning, and we begin to need nothing more than the thought that this is the truth. And I say these words with all the weight of my soul that I can apply in weak written words: I know it. And I declare it in the name of Jesus Christ, the Creator, Mediator, and Redeemer. Amén.

Que Dios esté con vosotros,
Élder Hill

  • Pool el P-Day pasado
  • Élderes después de una Tormenta Blanca en Mendoza Centro en miércoles
  • Hannah, esta foto es para vos. Hay vendedores que andan por las calles con caballos. También hay policías montadas, pero no tengo una foto de ellas.  [Hannah, this photo is for you.  There are vendors who walk the streets with horses.  There are also mounted police, but I don't have a photo of them.]
  • Fotos de esta mañana

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