Monday, September 7, 2020

In-Person Meetings, and Eating Jalapeños

 Family and friends,

This week was also a bit hard. It has been a bit more difficult to keep my spirits up, but I'm making it through with God by my side. I am truly grateful for everything He always does for me.

This weekend, we visited the State Fair here in Grand Island for a bit, and it was a cool time!  See the picture taken in the huge cattle barn.  We plan to return today to explore it more thoroughly, as time did not permit, last time. But there was a burger place called Cactus Jack's, which was the typical place to go at the fair. I got the most spicy burger there, the "Ragin' Cajun", which is described as follows: "A spicy Cajun blackened burger smothered in pepperjack cheese, jalapeños, jalapeño crisps and our sriracha aioli". It was not actually nearly as spicy as I had been expecting, but it was most certainly a very tasty burger. And the best part? I didn't pay for it! A member appeared out of nowhere and ordered us to use his credit card to pay for all eight of us who were there. What a kind man! And even as we waited in line, another member of the ward found us and tried to hand Elder Crowley a $100 bill, but we convinced him not to because someone else was already paying for it. We felt very loved.

Speaking of spicy foods, though, all eight of us in Grand Island were together for dinner on Wednesday night, and we each ate a jalapeño, all at once. It was quite the experience. I'll leave it at that, and just send you the video. Good times.  [Note from Ben's mom:  the video is way too big to include, so let me just say that almost everyone was in great distress.  Ben was stoic, but still in pain.  One elder kept eating jalapeños until there were no more on the table.  😀😀😀]

Last Saturday, we heard from our mission president that our restrictions are now loosened a tiny bit! The only difference now is that we can meet with people in person, as long as it is outside their house. We already could meet with them at the Church, but now we can meet there as well as anywhere outside any other building. It's a step forward. We're excited to begin meeting people in person again, even though we have nearly nobody to teach but members.

In the end, I want to reiterate that I know God lives, and that He is still so good to me. I love my life, and I am glad I have a few more weeks of being a missionary before December.

Elder Hill

Fotos: muchos servicios que hicimos, comiendo jalapeños, los misioneros de Grand Island en las festividades, y yo extendiendo mis alas.

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