Monday, September 14, 2020

Jeopardy, Baptisms, and Surprise Transfers

 Family and friends,

This week was a roller coaster, truly. We made it on the front page of the Grand Island Independent Sunday paper yesterday, we had two baptisms in the district this past weekend, and we were having a grand ol' time. I even blew away the competition in Bible Jeopardy on Thursday, in case any of you didn't see it. And, the thing I personally am most proud of, we even made an incredible introduction video for all eight of us missionaries in Grand Island, modeled after the intro for the show Family Matters. See the link below. It was SOOOOO fun to make, and very satisfying to see completed.

Then transfers hit. And I'm leaving.

This is exceedingly confusing on many, many levels. Firstly, I was a district leader and a trainer, which I thought would keep me here for at least one more transfer; second, Elder King, my co-trainer, already left three weeks ago, so I naturally presumed that I would stay for longer to compensate, maybe even until the end of my mission in three months. As it stands now, Elder Crowley will have lost both of his mission "dads" in the same transfer - I guess we just REALLY needed some milk, you know? Enough for it to require both dads to get some... But also, the Elder who will replace me is Elder Duffy. Sound familiar, perhaps? It's because that is the same Elder who took my place last transfer. He is a zone leader in Lincoln, as I write this, and tomorrow he will be a district leader in Grand Island. He just can't stay away from me! He was also only a leader of that zone for a single transfer, which is strange. And Elder Harwood, my previous companion in Lincoln, will now receive his fourth companion in his four transfers in this mission. That is so weird! In my letter to President Ence today, I expressed my confusion to him, and he even responded and expressed the same right back! He had planned to have me in Grand Island for longer, but instead he was inspired to move me. Thus, instead of me leaving my trainer after one transfer, as I did in Argentina, I'm leaving my trainee after only one transfer. What goes around come around, right? Weird times to be living in, these are.

But I also take consolation in what President told me, because that means that, insomuch as he would have kept me there but I was moved regardless, that means that there was indeed inspiration involved, and I am grateful for all that God still does for me to guide me to where I am needed. I know that this is His work, and He can place His instruments where He wants them. Thus, I am going to.... [cue drum roll]... Omaha! I will be in the Rio Vista ward. I don't know where that is, but I know I am needed there. God is so good to me.

Elder Hill

Fotos: Elder Crowley siendo Elder Crowley; yo en un campo de maíz; y también yo esta mañana, luego de peinarme - estuve bueno, pero en verdad no me gustó.

Also see the newspaper article below Elder Hill's video and pictures.

                              This is the Grand Island Missionaries video

[Ben told us last Friday night that the interviews for the following article had taken place that day, and that the photography was to be the following day as they worked at a Habitat for Humanity project.  Ben wasn't at that project, so isn't in those pictures, but is in a picture taken at a local church's supper event (in the picture with sister missionaries carrying boxes -- he's kind of behind the tree, and he's wearing a black tie.)  The article appeared on the front page of the Sunday edition, 13 September 2020.]

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