Monday, January 6, 2020

(No subject)

Friends and family,

This week was interesting, and I was exhausted the whole time. We had intercambios with Malargüe, working in Balloffet, and that was fun. I was with Elder Leites, a brazilian; Elder Ericksen was with the nuevito, Elder Davey. It was a great time with them, and we got a lot done.

The rest of the week we kept working as normal. Then, on Friday morning, I felt an urgent need to update the area book and the teaching records, especially because Elder Ericksen lost his agenda with all his notes and thus wouldn't be able to do it, so I did that instead of studying that morning. Turns out that that was a revelation, because that night we found out that we would receive transfers the next night (Saturday), because the transfer was cut a full week shorter, at the last minute. I finished up the records the next morning, also in place of my normal study, and everything was ready for me to leave, as I felt I would.

Then we received transfers Saturday night, and it was exactly as expected: me iba. I was to go to Dorrego, Mendoza, as zone leader! And right now, I am writing this letter in the same computer lab that I used while in Cementista! And my new companion is Elder Luque de Brazil, who is on his last transfer and also served in Cementista! This is all so cool! And, also amazing is that Elder Ericksen is staying there in Balloffet as senior companion, district leader, and trainer, all for the first time! I think he'll do a good job of it and grow a lot. I hope the same for myself, especially as I will be taking over as senior zone leader next transfer. I'll just be praying a lot, is all.

I don't have a lot more time, but I wanted to tell you all that I know God holds us up when we are weak. I say I know because I have seen too much evidence, and I know it for certain, now. I cannot deny it. God is real, and He loves us so insanely much - for that matter, it is rather insane, because He loves sinners. But God is a fan of seeming paradoxes that appear contradictory to the minds of men. I know He loves us.

Con muchísimo amor,
Elder Hill, líder de zona


Intercambios con Malargüe
Jugando Risk con Malargüe
¡Ustedes pasaron el Nuevo Año conmigo!
Hielo que cayó del cielo
Flia. Lorca; Hno. Lorca es el líder misional del barrio
Otro franken-pizza
Carolina y Gabriela Rodriguez, muy buenas personas que enseñamos
Beatriz Quiroga
Flia. Ortubia del barrio
Talía Martinez
Sergio Martinez
Sheila Siri, que se bautizó justo antes que llegué
Comimos mucho anoche
Mi último momento con Elder Ericksen
Elder Luque

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