Monday, January 20, 2020


Family and friends,

This week, I left the area twice for intercambios, going to Gutierrez with Elder Ismael on Wednesday and to Santa Ana with Elder Bryner on Friday. Both were pretty good experiences, and I feel like I helped a lot. In Santa Ana especially, I feel like I helped, because the people we taught all seemed to have amazing questions that I was able to answer extremely clearly and coherently. I felt like my knowledge was suddenly unleashed, and it felt so good. Recently, I have really felt the power of my mantle as a missionary, and I know God is with me. I have even noticed that, despite how much I miss the Temple and how long I have not been able to attend it, I have remained very spiritually strong, receiving the same blessings I would have received had I stayed home to go to the Temple. This calling is real, and I know it.

Honestly, not much more happened of particular note that I can think of, aside from having contacted 205 more people in the streets. We have to do a lot of that because nobody accepts us in their homes. But I'm very happy, anyway. I am flourishing.

Elder Hill

P.S. I lied, I remembered something more. While in Gutierrez, I saw a plant outside the apartment of the elders, and Elder Ismael told me it was poisonous. I guess I didn't register what he had said, because later when we passed it I just randomly plucked a piece off a leaf and chewed it. My mouth ended up burning for about an hour, which I completely deserved. It was a pain very similar to the pain of peppers, but it felt more acidic and panged with a prick, almost like hundreds of knives in my mouth. At least I spat it out, so it didn't destroy my entire digestive system. So yeah, that was an adventure, and I'm counting my many blessings. Mom, I promise I won't randomly eat any more plants.

  • Relámpagos
  • La planta maldita
  • Intercambios con Elder Bryner
  • "Tito", una de esas personas que Elder Luque conoce
  • Flia. Rodriguez (el padre es el Obispo) en La Favorita, con Zorro en el televisor
  • Elder Luque y Cerro de la Gloria, esta mañana cuando visitamos La Favorita para visitar algunas personas que Elder Luque conoce de allí

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