Monday, December 2, 2019

My, how the turn-tables have table-turned

Friends and family,

This week was amazing. I saw God's hand very clearly, and I know better than ever before that I am His servant here. I felt so much power, boldness, and authority, which felt very good. One example is when we were visiting with Sergio yesterday. He was having a terrible day and blaming it all on his wife, and even in our presence was haranguing her continually. Note that she had just given birth to a new baby a couple days before, but he was still incredibly wound-up. But he said not one evil word against us, and at one point, I made him realize that I am younger than she is, but he respects me more than he respects her. That seemed to go over his head, and he continued blaming her. In short, he was in a state of deep depression and was also drinking a bit of alcohol, so I understand his struggle, but at last I had had enough. I cut him off and told him if he said one more word against her, we would leave immediately. At that point, he went silent, boquiabierto ("open-mouthed", or dumbstruck). I begged him to pray, and as he started, I felt his depressed facade crack open and his real, humble spirit began to bleed out. It was such a relieving ending to that highly stressful experience. I saw God work in him right in front of my eyes, and also felt Him working within me. I am so blessed.

But I also wanted to mention something funny that Elder Ericksen has told me that his previous companion told him: we need to have tact when talking about the Plan of Salvation within the context of a deceased family member. An example he gave was that if a baby has died in the family, this is what you should not do, by any means (obviously exaggerated, but it proves a point): "We are so sorry to hear about your dead baby; it is so sad and hard to have a baby die, like yours did. But we have a very special message for you about what happens to dead babies after they die, as dead babies do, and we know that your dead baby, though dead, will be in a good place, because God loves the babies who die like your did, because you told us your baby died." Et cetera, et cetera, etc., etc., et cetera. That's bad. But it's also hilarious to me, just because it's so incredibly lacking of tact. Don't worry, Mom, I promise I won't ever teach like that.

But just know, all, that I am very well. We are working hard, and I am absolutely loving it!

Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Hill

Fotos de Valle Grande:

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