Monday, December 16, 2019

Tuvimos un bautismo!

Friends and family,

I performed my second live baptism this past Saturday, and I am nearly as happy as Beatriz always is. Seriously, she is always absolutely bubbly with energy and happiness, and it is extremely impressive. She will do good things for this ward. See attached fotos.

Also, last night we attended the setting apart of the bishop's son as a missionary (which they invited the whole ward to), and it was a great experience, short and sweet. It seemed that the new missionary and his parents appreciated our presence, which made me feel good.

We also had our missionary Christmas this past Tuesday in Mendoza Centro, and it was great! We were counseled a bit on being better disciples, especially because all rules are going away with the new missionary guidebook that we will be receiving soon. I am really excited for that change because I want to obey high standards because they're mine, not because I have to. But I know this will be a challenge for everyone, nonetheless, probably especially for the mission president. He said that when the mission presidents heard in their own conference about it that there would be no more rules, all of them keeled over backwards, nearly dying of fright. But I feel like it's the right thing, and I am glad that God trusts us enough to give us this freedom.

From that conference we received gifts! We got Christmas hats and stockings and heaps of candy and alfajores, which I obviously ate all of in two days. We also did a gift trade between the missionaries, in which we simply put all the gifts on a table and we filed by picking one out of the pile for ourselves. I got a couple of little keychains that I really like. One is an onyx heart that says "San Luis" on it, which is one of the provinces in our mission. I was also very surprised by a package that Elder Ericksen received from his parents that had a gift in it for "Elder E's companion"! It was a pair of Christmas socks and a tiny travel chess game, though I traded that for Elder Ericksen's travel Battleship because I already have travel chess. But it was a very joyous time.

Honestly, I am very happy this week, and I am so glad to be out here. I am far away from so many people I love so much, but I find myself with no regrets. I would not change it for anything. And, the most surprising, I am already halfway done! As Elder Ericksen told me, they say that the mission lasts a year and five minutes. I've gotten past the year, and now I officially have only five minutes left. I'll be home soon enough. Know that I love you all immensely, but I am happier where I am, for now.

With much love,
Elder Hill

Élder Avila, mi primer compañero (se va a la casa después de este traslado)
Élder Mazzeo, mi segundo compañero
Élder Cardozo, mi tercer compañero
Élder Becerra, mi cuarto compañero (también se va a la casa después de este traslado); apariencia de visita por Élder Stinger
Élder Ericksen, mi compañero quinto y actual
Élderes Ricks y Steck
Mi regalo
También mi regalo
Noodle + Nutella = Noodtella
Con Beatriz Quiroga
Beatriz, otra vez

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