Monday, December 23, 2019

Mosaically Obedient Dyslexic Woman Evades Leprous Gringo

Family and friends,

Thank you all who sent your holiday wishes! I really appreciate it a lot. Also, happy anniversary to my dear parents and to Shirley and Forrest! ¡Felicidades!

This week, a couple of funny things happened which are worthy of mention. Firstly, I made the stupid mistake of making a smoothie with loads of fruit and two entire lemons in it, including the rind. It was terrible. But hey, at least it fixed any bad breath I may have had. There was also a moment when Elder Ericksen somehow used children as a measurement of time, referring to duration of marriage, which was really funny because it doesn't make sense. His parents are about the same age as mine, but they only have four children, and the way he said it made it logically sound to say that my parents are more than twice as married as his. That was extremely funny to me.

The last funny thing I'll mention is what the title references: Mosaically obedient dyslexic woman evades leprous gringo. We have been complaining too much as a companionship about how illogical and rude everyone is, so we made it a goal to give everyone a stupid excuse to lighten the mood. One day this week, an older woman completely rejected even the card that I offered as a free gift, just waving me off and passing by. I was a bit bummed, because it bothers me when people do that, for obvious reasons. But then we developed one of the silliest possible arguments for her behavior: she obeys the law of Moses and therefore avoids lepers, they being unclean; she obviously misread my intention, so she's obviously dyslexic because she didn't read correctly, and thought I was a leper, so she completely passed me by without a second glance, because she misread my actions and thought me unclean. Hence, the newspaper heading: Mosaically Obedient Dyslexic Woman Evades Leprous Gringo. I'm really happy with it. Good for you, Jewish lady.

I had the opportunity to work in a hospital this Friday with Zona San Rafael, singing hymns for the people in the morning and then returning in the afternoon to play with little kids to help them pass the time enjoyably. The second half of that was honestly one of the best times I've had in my mission, because I love children so much. See pictures. We also sang hymns in the morning in Kilómetro 0, the center of the city, and it seemed a lot of people appreciated it. It was a good day, and I was very happy.

I have also been thinking of a children's song recently called "I'll Give Him My Heart", and I think it describes well what I want to give for Christmas. With all my heart, I want to give everything to Christ, but you all already know how exceedingly difficult that is. But just know that I know that Christ was born for us to be a perfect sacrifice, by His own choice. I really know it. I am so immensely grateful for Him, and I testify of Him to you all. Have a very merry Christmas, all, and know that God and His Son love you all infinitely. A good shepherd cares for his sheep; would not The Good Shepherd care for His sheep even better? and would He not care even more perfectly for His children? I know He would, and He does.

Elder Hill

Enviaré fotos en la Navidad

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