Monday, November 18, 2019

Glasses Tan Lines

Family and friends,

I was talking with Elder Ericksen the other night and jokingly said that my pride is so huge that he would never be able to break it. He then humbled me with three words. Glasses tan lines. Boom. Instantly humbled. God uses small and simple means to confound the wise, right?

Anyway, yesterday was insane in the sacrament meeting because the two of us did almost everything. I was chorister and I passed the sacrament, Elder Ericksen was the pianist, we both gave talks, and we sang in a trio with the ward mission leader. It was the missionary Sunday, with the theme being the members' duty in mission work. I talked on Deuteronomy 28:45-48, which says that many curses will come upon the house of Israel and destroy them. It then explains the reason they will be castigated so: "Because thou servedst not the Lord thy God with joyfulness, and with gladness of heart". We are under the same condemnation for not having been missionaries and ministers to all people with joy. But what can we do to get that joy back? In Mosiah 4:11-12, King Benjamin explains that if we humble ourselves before God always, we will always rejoice. And how do we humble ourselves? Keep His commandments. How do we keep His commandments better? Do missionary work. He promises us that "if ye do this ye shall always rejoice". Thus, we must be missionaries, shouting the good news of the Gospel from the housetops, carrying the glorious message across the mountains and into the plains, to every person; and if we do not share with every person, we need to repent. By that definition, I am a failure as a missionary, but I repent of it. I will continue. But I can't be the only one. I direct these comments to all you who read these messages, and I invite you all to consider your personal status before God as a missionary, and then repent and do better. I promise, according to my own personal experience, that it will be more than worth it. We will sacrifice our precious time for joy and salvation, which are priceless. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ. Amén.

Con mucho amor,
Elder Hill

Foto: Elder Ericksen festejó su cumpleaños un poco tarde conmigo, usando un mix de su familia para hacerse una torta. Estuvo riquísima.

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