Monday, April 1, 2019

He to whom much is forgiven (in Cementista)

Friends and family,

For a bit more detail on my situation in my new area, I am in Cementista, which is a sketchy suburb of Mendoza City itself, and I love the area, despite the fact that Cementista is enormous and we go by foot. The capilla is a half-hour away by foot. Oof. But it's a great time, and I am still growing so much here. Elder Mazzeo is great too, and I have learned more of the language from him, which is a definite benefit of being with an Argentino. As for the situation with packages, I am not certain how those would work, because I would still have to go by bus for over an hour to the mission offices in Godoy Cruz; thus, I really don't know what to tell you. I suppose it's possible, but I don't know. Also, I found out this week that the Temple land is in my area! I don't know yet exactly where, but the Temple will be in MY AREA!!! I can't explain how excited I am for that.

We had an awesome experience this week with a man who hasn't attended church in a long time. We were reading in 3 Nefi 18 around verse 16, which says that we need to follow the example of Jesus and pray in churches (and, in extension by the context of our lesson, it says that he needs to attend church again). When he read that, he told us that he felt as though Jesus, whose words those are in that verse, was talking directly to him, and he knew instantly that he needs to attend church again. That was miraculous, and his faith is so powerful. I felt the Spirit radiating from him. Another wonderful time was when we were talking with a man who is not a member, but who is interested to hear our message. He listened more attentively that just about any other person I have ever seen in any circumstance, and I could see the Spirit start to fill his countenance as we talked about the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon, and he said he will read it, and also that he will do it joyfully because he loves reading books like that. He has a stunningly clear understanding of how to understand things by the Spirit and the power of God, and I am impressed by his desire to learn.

Two more experiences were particularly notable: one of the investigadoras was baptized this past Friday by her fiancé, which was so joyous - she is so incredibly happy, and is especially excited to go to the Temple. The other instance was when we taught the lesson on the Restoration again, and the two of them accepted a baptismal date! By some weird chance, that couple has the family name Bustos, just like the two brothers Bustos in Pellegrini who also accepted baptismal dates. I can't begin to explain the deeply good feeling that accompanies both of those events, both fraught with faith.

In termination of this letter, I want to say just how overjoyed I am to be here. I have never grown so much as I have here. Before my mission I thought I had felt peace, but I can attest firmly to the fact that this mission has blown out of the water every feeling of peace that I have ever felt before. And that is solely because of the overwhelming feeling of willingness to serve. And like it says in Luke 7:47, to whom little is forgiven, the same loveth little; and, by implied opposite, to whom much is forgiven, the same loveth much. Looking back on who I was in the past, it is clear that the Lord has forgiven me of so incredibly much, and I will love and praise Him forever because of it. As another scripture says, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." I felt free before my mission, but looking back on it I feel like I was a slave. Because of all the immense blessings and growth I have experienced, I have seen the Heavens and the Eternities opened to my view like never before, and I am even more unable than before to reject the veracity of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is perfect, and I have never seen anything more beautiful. I fully plan for this to be my life for the rest of forever, and I will be free because of it.

Con amor de Argentina,
Elder Hill

P.S.  So you know, I will not be able to call in the mornings in this area because we have to ride a bus all the way into el Centro to get to a cyberlab. I'll try to call at other times, as opportunity permits.

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