Monday, July 20, 2020

Would I have done this better?

Family and friends,

This week was tiring, and yesterday was especially difficult. I have been getting poor sleep all week, and yesterday I found myself drained and drooping all day long. But somehow it still went by quickly, and I slept better last night. God is so kind to me.

There were mid-transfers this week, and a couple of people were switched around and two new trips were created, now making four; in our zone there are ten companionships but there are have 24 missionaries. So many!

Also, yesterday Andy went to Church for the first time! He even got to witness a man being set apart to a position after the meeting! That was a cool experience.

There's not much else I would like to share right now except my thoughts. Something very interesting hit me last night as Elder Harwood and I were talking - we can't change the past. Let me explain. So many people ask themselves, "Could I have done this better?" whereas a better question would probably be, "Would I have done this better?" The fascinating thing about that subtle change is that the answer to the first question is always "yes", while to the second it is always "no": because, did we really do it better? No? Then we wouldn't have done it better! You know better now how to do it, but you didn't know then, so you simply would not have done it better! Instead of worrying about what we could have done better in a given situation, we have to move on, because Christ already died to save us from the trouble of worrying about such things. That was a very calming thought, and I think it can be quite profound.

Just know, all you who will listen, that I know "He lives who once was dead", and that He really does care about all of us. I know it because He always upholds me in all I do.

With lots of love,
Elder Hill

Fotos: mi actitud de "chip-on-the-shoulder", mi reacción de "knee-jerk", nosotros despidiendo al Élder Self (en el centro, con el pelo negro y la máscara), y luego Élder Harwood en su estado natural.

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