Friday, January 18, 2019

Jello with Salsa (end of 2nd week in CCM)

Friends, Romans, countrymen,

I forgot to ask last week, but could someone update me on the results of the Ultima Thule flyby (in astronomical news), as well as a picture, if possible? I want to see what was determined about it. Because I'm a nerd.

This is such a beautiful city. I just have to say that. It smells terrible, but the vibrant colors everywhere make it feel so much more alive than Phoenix. Also, having a responsibility to personally clean the house and do my own laundry is actually pretty fun! I'm surprised at how much it doesn't bother me.

My classes are still stressful, but I'm learning a lot, especially of Spanish. The gift of tongues is real, and I continue to be amazed by my mastery. My branch president said something last week that inspired me to work harder in my time here: "You should be working like everything depends on you and praying like everything depends on the Lord." There's a long way to go yet, but I'm covering ground faster than I am able to do alone.

I am very, VERY proud to say that I have eaten jello every meal of every day, ever since I arrived here, which now makes a perfect, successful streak of 48 times, and counting. Also, I tried jello with salsa verde on it, and I can easily say that it is terrible. For some reason. In case you were wondering. Oh, and while I'm on a weird topic already, my roommates have been hiding goldfish crackers all over the room, and it's hilarious because I can just be going about my day normally and then suddenly a fish falls from nowhere. It truly is a wonderful experience; this is probably what Celestial life is like. Plus conveyor-belt toasters, of course. Oh, and I also figured out last night that the resonant frequency of my skull is a B. It's really fun to hum that note because it booms in my head and makes my teeth chatter. And thus I close the insane chapter of my letter.

This morning, Elder Ricks led me in my first real workout ever, and after about an hour my arms were a bit swollen with unusually intense blood flow. I went all the way until I couldn't go any more. I'm actually feeling great right now, but I know it takes a while for the soul-crushing soreness to set in. Heaven help me.

We had a devotional recently in which we were taught the Plan of Salvation in a way I had never seen before, which makes so much sense. We were shown exactly why women and men are equal in their responsibilities, in the eternal scheme: women bring God's children away from His presence and into the world, where the men then use their priesthood power and bring them back Home (all of it obviously revolving around the power of Christ, though). It's eye-opening. We were also told a story about one hermana who was at the CCM somewhat recently, who was struggling with serious homesickness. As she thought about it one day, she had a thought come into her mind from God: I miss my family, too; bring them home. Dang. That's powerful. No matter how much I miss you all, I can safely presume that He misses all of us more than I do, and I'll follow Him instead.

I gave my first blessing the night before last. Elder Ricks has all of the symptoms of sleep apnea that I know of, so he sleeps terribly and ends up asleep in class daily, so he asked for a blessing of peace of mind to help him sleep. I offered to dictate it, and he accepted. As I spoke slowly, my hands on his head along with Elders Ehlen and Harrell, I could feel the words coming from another place, through me to him. It was a wonderful experience, and I am also so glad I got to experience that with my companion.

I found a scripture this week that resonated with me, and I want to share it. Alma 13:1-2: "And again, my brethren, I would cite your minds forward to the time when the Lord God gave these commandments unto his children; and I would that ye should remember that the Lord God ordained priests, after his holy order, which was after the order of his Son, to teach these things unto the people. And these priests were ordained after the order of his Son, in a manner that thereby the people might know in what manner to look forward to his Son for redemption." Whoa. I have literally been called to be a model of Christ! The people I teach will know the Salvador when He comes, by way of my example. That is humbling.

Thus I close my relation: life is good, and God is better.

Sending love from Mexico,
Elder Hill


Yo y Élder Ricks somos raros
Despues del ejercicio
Élder Ricks, comiendo
Yo mismo

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